UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Campus + Life

It’s not easy to live with someone you may or may not have anything in common with. There are difficulties involved with communication, personal space and anything else you may not be used to sharing. But roommates are good for you. They help you find out what you like and what you don’t like, and they can also help...

The Quadrangle, which consists of five beautiful halls — Bates, Law, Oberholtzer, Settegast and Taub —may not be the most popular dorming option, but Cooglife firmly believes that it would be a shame to lose the historic buildings, which are named after humanitarians, activists and medical benefactors. We’ve proposed...

Being an adult is difficult. Being a college student can be even more difficult. You have so many things to remember (don’t you have something due today?) and sometimes household items slip through the cracks of your grocery list. Below are a few items you may need to make a quick Walmart run to grab before it’s too...

Many people in college end up meeting their significant other, but what if they just happen to live in Iowa or Timbuktu? Physical closeness and sex play a crucial part in relationships, and long distance relationships may seem impossible at times. But if you and your partner are willing to put in work, they can still...

Students who want to take a break from studying and finals can head out and enjoy college nights at multiple bars clubs, and entertainment hot spots in Houston. Get together with a group of friends this winter break and enjoy multiple forms of entertainment this winter break. Being a student will surely pay off! Howl...

Winter is often seen as a romantic time of year, with holidays like Christmas, New Year’s and Valentine’s Day. Sometimes, creative winter date night ideas can be hard to come up with. Here are a few fun date night ideas to enjoy this holiday season with your significant other: Festival of Lights – Take a trip to...

Someone whispers to you backstage in the school auditorium, reminding you not to forget your lines. You nervously look at your third grade teacher and straighten the costume your mom sewed last week. This is it — your big debut. Look out world. Look out mothers with flashing digital cameras. Look out classmates. This...

Spring Break is the time where you lament, “I have all this time and I don’t know what to do with it besides catch up with homework!” Go ahead and start planning ahead for the week of March 14 to 18. Alternative Spring Break Are you looking to escape Houston and do something meaningful for the world? Check out...

With the seventh installment of Star Wars coming soon, cosplayers and costume freaks will be gearing up this December to celebrate the return of their favorite science fiction fantasy story. Some of us, however, simply aren’t willing—or able—to spend thousands of dollars­ on authentic gear to go full...

Every Christmas Eve I remember hearing the door to my little brother’s bedroom creak open while his footsteps gingerly crept into the den where the tree – and more importantly – the presents were sitting. I could hear him rummaging through the boxes and packages, and then the counting would begin. “One for me, two for...