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Finals are a stressful time for everyone. Across all years and majors, students are working on  projects and last-minute essays, with little to no sleep. When you finally finish the semester, even the concept of relaxing may be stressful and hard to do. 

Everyone deals with stress differently but, these are just some ways you could relax after finals. 

  1. Take a nap

Sleep is few and far between when it comes to studying, finishing up last-minute papers, and completing projects. All-nighters are something all college students are familiar with by the end of the semester. After finishing up the last final or assignment for the semester, a nap is well earned and needed. 

  1. Read a comfort book

Reading can be a great escape from reality. There is virtually no time during the semester for reading for pleasure, and that can be completely canceled during finals week. Reading a book you’ve been looking forward to for a while, or re-reading a comfort book may help you relax.  

  1. Binge watch

After having virtually no time during the last few weeks of the semester, watching a TV show feels like a dream. Binge watching, a re-watch or starting a new show can help de-stress and take one’s mind off of the stress of finals week. 

  1. Have a movie night with friends 

If you’ve been putting off a movie for a few weeks due to finals, now is the time to watch it. Even better is watching it with friends who understand the exhaustion of the last few weeks. Popcorn, candy and other junk food, cozy blankets, and maybe some drinks if you’re of age can absolutely help you get out of a stressful mindset.

  1. Throw or attend a party

The 2021 school year is over and the holidays are upon us. Depending on who you are, throwing, or just going to a party can help you destress. Seeing friends, dancing and drinking can help you celebrate the year and the end of finals. Just remember to be responsible.

  1. Spend money

Maybe this is bad advice, but retail therapy is a thing. Finding a cute new sweater, going out to eat, or just finding a knick knack at your favorite thrift store can help you unwind. You’ve earned it.

Finals are a stressful time for all students, these are just a few ways you can help relax after finals week. Remember, the semester is over now and the break is well deserved. Take some time off for yourself and care for your mental and physical health.

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