UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Photo by: Cindy Rivas Alfaro

As silly little humans, we spend about a third of our lives sleeping or at least trying to. If we’re spending that much of our lives in bed (or wherever you may sleep), we should be making sure it’s the comfiest and coziest bed of all time. Here are some ways I make sure my bed is my comfort place!


One thing I wish I could’ve gotten sooner is a weighted blanket. As someone with anxiety and dysthymia, a weighted blanket makes it feel like I’m being hugged all night without having to share my bed with someone.

A regular blanket would also suffice, and I think the magic number would have to be three: a regular blanket to cover you, a soft decorative blanket for cold emergencies and your childhood blanket. If you only have one blanket, I say it’s time to head to Target!


When I was little, I had over 20 plushies on my twin-sized bed ranging from my favorite characters like Toothless to my collection of Build-A-Bears and stuffed animals my family used to gift me.

As I grew older, I could no longer fit on my twin-sized bed so instead of getting a bigger bed, I had to stuff some plushies in the garage. If it was my choice, I would say all your plushies should be on your bed but if you want to make sure you have room to sleep, three to five plushies would be perfect.


Okay, listen. I’m not a big fan of pillows. One pillow seems enough for me but if you have a big enough bed, two pillows would be my max.

One or two decorative pillows to build your aesthetic are also fine, but personally, keep the oversized feather-fluffed lumps to a minimum.

Sheets, Sheets and More Sheets

This is something I found out through a girl on TikTok, but it turns out that if you actually layer your bed with the sheets it needs, your bed will end up super comfy!

This means getting one of those zip-up sheets, a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, maybe a mattress pad and a duvet to fluff up your bed. This might seem obvious to some but I hated flat sheets because they would just fall off my mattress. The TikTok video showed me that you can buy clips to secure them under your mattress so they don’t slip off! Isn’t that amazing? The world is your oyster.


Currently, my bed is tucked into the corner of my room under the window with a shelf pressed against the free side and a cat tree at the end where my feet lay. I hate feeling exposed when I sleep, so by securing all my corners with something, I feel comfier and safer. If this isn’t your cup of tea, that’s okay, but that’s just my preference.


Last but not least, get a cat. No, this is not a joke. I am seriously encouraging you to get a cat because they are the best cuddle buddies.

When my cat, Zia, is in the mood, she’ll just cuddle up against my legs or in between my thighs and it feels like free therapy. Give it a shot!

I hope this guide can help someone make their bed as comfy as they can!

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