UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

College life is hard, and it’s even harder without an emotional-support water bottle. As you move on from your undergraduate years to a graduate one, embrace this change with open arms, but also, invest in the perfect water bottle to make it better.

Which will it be? Take this quiz to find out!

What time do you wake up in the morning? 

A. Before the sun rises

B. On-time

C. Five minutes before class

D. I sleep in

What kind of stickers do you keep on your water bottles? 

A. Motivational stickers

B. No stickers

C. Cute animals

D. Random ones

Your friend wants to go out for drinks but you have an assignment due. What do you do? 

A. Tell them no, and complete your assignment

B. Tell them you have drinks at home, and invite them over

C. They have to convince you, but you eventually say “yes!”

D. Let’s go get drinks! 

What color is your water bottle? 

A. Neutral

B. Dark

C. Pastel

D. Bright

Where did you decide to go to grad school? 

A. The best of the best 

B. The most convenient one

C. Close to home

D. Far from home

What would your friends say about you? 

A. Hardworker 

B. Calm and collected 

C. Caring

D. Life of the party

Your Emotional Support Water Bottle:

Mostly As – Stanley: You get work done! People always applaud how determined you are in classes, and this water bottle reflects that. You have a lot of self-restraint and are able to stay focused despite the world’s occasional attempts to throw you off course. Yet, you still make time for the people you love. 

Mostly Bs – Yeti: You are logical! You don’t stress. You have everything figured out basically. You know what you’re going to be doing two weeks from today. Even though you probably love your current emotional-support bottle, the Yeti mug is for you. You can carry your coffee or soup in that tiny thing–practical and compact just like your schedule.

Mostly Cs – Hydro Flask: You go with the flow and try to be there for the people you care for the most. Grad school is a time for you to grow, but you make sure you’re having lots of fun while at it! People are drawn to you for always wanting to help others and that makes you happy. 

Mostly Ds – Owala: You really value social spaces and meeting new people! People always wonder how you can go to all the happy hours and socials yet still make it to class the next day. You have probably gone through a few Owalas already–one might even be dented, so it must be time for a new one!

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