UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

November and December are the official holiday months–reserved for family, friends and everyone’s favorite dinner party personality. Usually, at this time, social calendars are filled with brunches, late lunches, dinners and bar or coffee dates. 

No matter what kind of a gathering it is, chances are you will be gathering with loved ones at some point during this season.

Arguably, the most memorable part of the gatherings is seeing how those various dinner party personalities coexist. Though, while we love assessing others, we never really stop to think of our own.

Take the quiz to find out what yours is!

1. What time do you usually arrive?

      A. Early

      B. Exactly on-time

      C. Fashionably late

      D. TBH, I might flake

      2. What are you wearing?

        A. The most colorful outfit

        B. The most occasion-appropriate, but fashionable outfit

        C. The most unique, yet trendy and classy, outfit

        D. The outfit which makes me feel most comfortable

        3. What do you bring with you?

          A. A homemade, group-favorite dish

          B. A bottle of wine, maybe flowers and a card

          C. Myself and good vibes

          D. A pricey, store-bought dessert

          4. Where do you sit?

            A. Next to the fun people

            B. At a seat where I can see the exits

            C. At the middle of the table, so I can see everyone

            D. In a corner, so I don’t have to socialize too much

            5. What are you drinking?

              A. Everything–shots too, please

              B. My usual go-to drinks

              C. Whatever is the house special

              D. A glass of red, please


              Mostly AsThe Wild Card: No one is quite sure what trouble you’ll give, but they know to expect something memorable from you. There is no telling which one of your personalities will show up, but everyone hopes you will bring a good time. Surprise them again this year!

              Mostly BsThe Mediator: Everyone is scared when you RSVP. You are the person who addresses the gossips and rifts in the group. If there’s a situation you’re bringing it up and getting to the bottom of it. By the time dinner is over, the air is cleared. In fact, the group gatherings may need you this year more than ever!

              Mostly CsThe Rich Aunty or Uncle: Do you have to be so boujee? Everyone waits anxiously to see your outfits and to experience your vibe, but sometimes your presence feels a little condescending. This year, show up with gifts to remind everyone you love and care for them just as much as you love and care for yourself.
              Mostly DsThe Emotional Wreck: If you’re in your crying mood, please stay at home. No one wants to hurt your feelings, but they also don’t want to hear your sad story for the millionth time. If you’re really in the mood for a challenge this year, show up as the fun friend for once!

              [email protected]

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