You’ll have quite some time on your hands over the break.
Wondering how you should spend it?
Nothing is better than sitting down on the couch, or even outside on the grass, with a book in your hand. Take this quiz to narrow down your book selection for the upcoming break!
What’s your favorite holiday drink?
A. Apple cider
B. Pumpkin spice latte
C. Hot chocolate
D. Wine
E. Eggnog
What gift do you want the most?
A. A plane ticket
B. New furniture
C. Friends, booze and bad ideas
D. Everlasting love
E. Comedy show tickets
What phrase best describes you?
A. Here for a good time, not a long time
B. All good things come to those who (don’t) wait
C. If you can’t beat them, join them and then beat them
D. Taking it day by day
E. Bad ideas, good times
What archetype are you most like?
A. Hopeless romantic
B. Feminist heroine or hero
C. Party child
D. The therapist friend
E. Drunk uncle or aunt
What’s your favorite holiday decor?
A. Mistletoe
B. Christmas lights
C. Nutcrackers
D. Christmas tree
E. Advent calendars
How do you celebrate the new year?
A. Vodka–lots of vodka
B. Early bedtime for me–essential for a fresh start
C. Kissing everyone in the room
D. Planning my New Year’s resolutions
E. With all the sparklers I can find
What’s your favorite holiday tradition?
A. Writing Santa a letter
B. Decorating the tree
C. White elephant
D. Baking Christmas cookies
E. Ugly sweater contest
The Ideal Book For You To Read Over The Winter Break
Mostly As: Normal People by Sally Rooney.
Do you love crying yourself to sleep? Can’t bring yourself to leave your situationship? If so, then this is the book for you!
Address your codependency head-on with this novel filled with laughter, tears and LOTS of alcohol. Besides, if they keep coming back, is it really so wrong?
Ps. Yes. The answer is yes.
Mostly Bs: A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf.
If you’re the kind of person who can’t take a break when people tell you to, then this book is for you.
You can learn all about the inequalities women face while also seeing how it relates to current society. It’s a short book but you might want a highlighter and a pen to take some notes.
Mostly Cs: Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Anderton.
You’re the friend who seems to know EVERYBODY. Your liveliness and excitement at all opportunities make you the friend who is up for anything. However, your care for others can sometimes overshadow the care you have for yourself.
Learn what it means to love others while finding love for yourself in this witty, spirited laugh-out-loud funny novel.
Mostly Ds: The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion.
You’re the sentimental sort, holding on to old lovers and childhood teddy bears. This gentleness is your strength! But, it is also your downfall.
Learn to find the balance of a soft heart in a hard world with this novel filled with loss, new beginnings and tackling the unexpected.
Mostly Es: Good Omens by Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchett.
You’re always the life of the party at any holiday event you attend. You don’t take yourself too seriously, letting yourself dive head-first into fun traditions. At any holiday event you attend, you’re sure to show up with the most hilarious–and probably questionable–gift.
All these qualities make this the perfect holiday book for you!
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