“A mother’s love resembles the vast Pacific,” described a line in Vietnam’s most-famous ode to maternity. There’s an extraordinary ocean in Isabel Graysmark (Alicia Vikander)’s eyes. Its currents have power to cure the other parent, lighthouse keeper Tom Sherbourne (Michael Fassbender), from the horrors of World War...
Here’s to hoping a travel-size oxygen tank is within a college student’s budget. In the revamped “Evil Dead,” director Fede Álvarez wanted to use all the chaos spewing on-screen to drive up the demand for Ibuprofen. The Uruguayan filmmaker continues to play doctor—the respiratory kind, in particular—for the audiences in...
By Greg FailsAug 290
“This has become a project, more vanity than logic because I’ve found the view from the cross can be so awesome” gurgles Drew Thompson in the opening diatribe of Meltdown, the third EP released by the Canadian band Single Mothers. It’s a short and uncharacteristically nostalgic surprise release that sparks intrigue...
By John UpshawAug 280
YG – “Still Brazy” Coming off of “My Krazy Life” in 2014, YG crafted his most cohesive project yet with “Still Brazy,” a series of iconic West Coast sounds and Piru rhetoric that transports listeners to the streets of Bompton, California the minute they press play. Stepping away from short tracks and simple subjects,...
“Don’t Breathe” In the land of the blind, he is the king. And breaking and entering in his kingdom was a mistake for the trio of young thieves, Rocky (Jane Levy), Alex (Dylan Minnette) and Money (Daniel Zovatto). They underestimate the power of a sightless mark (Stephen Lang) who hides a truly unnerving secret in his...
By John UpshawAug 280
After a four-year break, constant teases and come-and-go release dates, Frank Ocean’s sophomore effort, “Blond,” was worth the wait. The album kicks off on a dreary note with “Nikes,” a track accentuated by hi-hats, 808s and high-pitched vocals. Here we find Frank tackling the subject of materialism and the pleasures it...
Blink now while the previews are still playing—allow nothing to distract your attention from what is possibly the next Oscar winner for Best Animated Feature. It might be a bit early for the champagne since the 89th Academy Awards is still six months away, but Laika’s latest film contains acclaim in every frame. Other...
By Trey StrangeAug 230
House of Pies|Courtesy of Jenae Sitzes/Cooglife Scientist, scholars and clergy alike have for centuries agreed on one fundamental principle of existence: Pie is essential to happiness. That’s not mere hypothesis. ‘Tis truth—and historically evident. When George Washington chopped down the cherry tree, you know damn...
By Bryce DoddsAug 220
Some people say the world is cyclical, and no, I’m not talking about how the earth is round. Fashion, the television and movie industries and the world of music seem to be on a repeating pattern often. It’s the same for the resurgence of the vinyl record in the music industry. And one of the biggest demographics buying...
By Greg FailsAug 220
“Amor Prohibido” by Selena Has there ever been any doubt about who the real queen of Houston is? Selena was a trailblazer in pop music and her legacy, much like the Astrodome, is far too big to ever be destroyed. “Killing Time” by Destiny’s Child Her self titled album clearly showed, Beyonce reps Houston hard, and as this...
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