By Ambarina ZenabOct 150
If you’re thinking about your post-graduate options, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind when it comes to grad school. From selecting a university and program, submitting applications, and narrowing down your choices, the process can be overwhelming. I’m still an undergraduate student, but going to graduate...
By Anna BakerOct 140
Do you remember how excited you were when the next Magic Treehouse book came out? I know I do. Do you remember the last time you were excited about a book? I don’t. When you ask people why they don’t read for fun anymore, the answer you often hear is that school ruined reading for them. With all the assignments...
By Autumn CelesteOct 70
Advice and tips to work through leaving a toxic relationship. Pain. Anger. Disappointment. All are valid feelings when someone goes through a breakup. But this isn’t any breakup. This is a breakup after being in a relationship that wasn’t the healthiest one. So, after leaving a “toxic” relationship, where does one...
By Ambarina ZenabSep 250
The digital age has opened several platforms for artists to share, grow, and expand their content. There has been a major shift from traditional portfolio making and gallery settings to marketing ourselves on places like Instagram. Some can argue that this shift is more accessible and beneficial to artist exposure...
By Tris PedroApr 20
Whether the life-draining monster that is college tore you apart or they simply just moved away, the less mentioned “long-distance friendship” is just as arduous as the long-distance relationship. For the friendships you just can’t bear to let go, here are some tips to keep your far-away friends close. Keep in touch...
By Ana GonzalezMar 260
Resumes are a big part of the hiring process. They display your life when it comes to academics and work experience. People want to give a good impression, but sometimes don’t know how to tailor their resume. This can result in employers passing up a good candidate because their resume may not have been what they were...
By Rukaiya BatliwalaMar 210
Reading a book is an amazing way to relax and, at the same time, explore the creativity of different authors around the world. A good book can help you learn about different places and stories of different people. There are a lot of genres of books so if you want to start reading a great book here are some tips for...
By Laraib HashmiNov 300
Winter is coming! But guess what else is? FINALS. Gives me shivers just thinking about it. The time is dawning upon us and I’m becoming more frantic each day with all the assignments that are piling up, and let’s not forget the rising stress levels. When I was sitting at Starbucks, finally taking a sip of my holiday...
By Erin DavisNov 270
The semester is winding down and the break is finally approaching, but that usually means that a slew of deadlines and finals are just around the corner. That project you were supposed to be working on three weeks ago is now due in two days, or tomorrow, so it’s finally time to sit down and deal with it. These are a...
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