UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Campus + Life

Thanksgiving: a celebration of thanks, family, food and friends. Typically held at a family member’s house and involves family you only see during holidays due to different cities, jobs and lives. We take time to celebrate our appreciation for our families, but what about our friends? These are the people we spend a...

Spooky season has arrived, and it is time to break out the candy, costumes and comradery! A big “fad” that always arises during this festive time of the year is going on fall or October themed dates with a significant other.  Unsure of what to do or where to go? Here are a few spooky date ideas: Pumpkin Patch...

As students, our rooms can get very messy, so decorating can just cause more clutter. But like everyone, we still want to get into the Halloween spirit, so here are some ways to decorate your room without making a mess. Hang it up Putting decorations on desks and shelves can be a recipe for clutter, especially...

As students, almost everything we do comes with expectations. We’re expected to join student organizations, get internships and jobs, all while still getting good grades and graduating on time. These high expectations can make us so stressed that we may want to scream or cry. Sometimes even both. To decompress, we...

If you’re thinking about your post-graduate options, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind when it comes to grad school. From selecting a university and program, submitting applications, and narrowing down your choices, the process can be overwhelming. I’m still an undergraduate student, but going to graduate...

Do you remember how excited you were when the next Magic Treehouse book came out? I know I do. Do you remember the last time you were excited about a book? I don’t. When you ask people why they don’t read for fun anymore, the answer you often hear is that school ruined reading for them. With all the assignments...

In the digital world we live in today, sending mail through the post office is not as common as it once was. The mailbox now has a negative connotation associated with it due to piling bills or junk mail that usually ends up in the trash. However, what if checking the mail could become enjoyable again? Alex...

The digital age has opened several platforms for artists to share, grow, and expand their content. There has been a major shift from traditional portfolio making and gallery settings to marketing ourselves on places like Instagram. Some can argue that this shift is more accessible and beneficial to artist exposure...

Let’s admit that living life on a college budget isn’t easy. From filling up your gas tank to book and club fees, the expenses for college life are unlimited but the budget isn’t. We know that just being in college drains your bank account, barely leaving you any money for food and your wants. We wish we could live a...

If you’re a fellow creative like me, I’m sure you’ve felt the intimidation and pressure behind starting a project and creating new works. I’m a photographer and illustrator, and at times I find it immensely difficult to not only get inspiration for projects, but also even getting started on any ideas I’ve had in...