UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Campus + Life

Having made it through the majority of holiday season, it feels comical to be thinking about gifts. My wallet is in need of a break, and I’m fresh out of ideas. In spite of that, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. It’s only a few days until significant others everywhere will be scrambling to find a gift...

According to History.com, the roots of Valentine’s Day date back to a violent, ancient roman fertility festival held in mid-February called, Lupercalia. Later, the Christian church came along and changed Lupercalia to Valentine’s Day in order to purify the celebration. Before learning more about the holiday, I figured...

Graduation is just around the corner for thousands of seniors nationwide. Some of them may find a job by then, but others will have to look extensively. If they don’t find a job in their city they will explore other cities, but what are the best cities for recent college graduates? Below is a list from some of the...

Growing up I never identified with anyone or felt connected to anything as far as having a reference to what was possible for a gay, black male growing up in the south. Looking back, I can see how the lack of proper representation in media could stunt your growth in becoming the person you are destined to be. Though...

Winter is coming! But guess what else is? FINALS. Gives me shivers just thinking about it. The time is dawning upon us and I’m becoming more frantic each day with all the assignments that are piling up, and let’s not forget the rising stress levels. When I was sitting at Starbucks, finally taking a sip of my holiday...

Most commuters at the University of Houston, and possibly any university, tend to live double-lives; one here on campus and one at home.  Also, for most commuters, that other life tends to include a job that is fifteen minutes to an hour away from campus.  Balancing two lives, on campus and off, already comes with...

The semester is winding down and the break is finally approaching, but that usually means that a slew of deadlines and finals are just around the corner. That project you were supposed to be working on three weeks ago is now due in two days, or tomorrow, so it’s finally time to sit down and deal with it. These are a...

Holiday gifts don’t have to be pricey or amazing to be special. A lot of times, just taking the time to get together and exchange something can be enough. Plus, there’s a solidarity that exists among college students. We all understand that textbooks, food and classes are all expensive. This is not a good time to be...

When we look at Christmas on TV, we always see falling snow, people going to Christmas Tree farms, people wearing fluffy coats and people drinking steaming cups of hot chocolate. Put on a fluffy coat and drink a hot chocolate in the Houston weather and you might as well sign yourself up for a potential heat stroke....

Is Black Friday even worth it? I’ll admit, I’m not a huge fan of Black Friday and I really don’t get the point of it. I’d much rather spend Thursday night eating my weight in Thanksgiving food and passing out than worry about getting to the mall or waiting in line for hours to get the best deal. You can type the...