UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Campus + Life

Although it may sound like more fun to spend the summer soaking up the sun, it’s a good idea to spend the summer soaking up every professional opportunity that’s available. Summer jobs provide a multitude of things that have the potential to increase chances of finding, and loving, a career upon graduation. Having a...

Remember when you were younger and spent summer vacationing, playing video games or just being lazy for three months? Those luxury days are (almost) over. As college students who need a compelling resume for this competitive world we call job hunting, we need to spend those three months wisely. So instead of working,...

Vladimir Tenev and Baiju Bhatt, two students from Stanford created platforms for finance companies who believed that they could create an app that would help people by removing commission fees. Tenev and Bhatt intended to help millennials, they believed that if people had student loans why not let the market pay back...

With the hot and heavy air of summer comes the hot and heavy joys (and pains) of short-lived romances. That’s right, I’m talking about summer flings. Our friend’s stories and our favorite movies have told us that summertime is the best time to test drive a relationship. Even science backs this up. During the summer,...

Everyone is allowed to sit back, relax and relish in a little (or a lot of) downtime, particularly once the semester ends, the grades are in and beaches and pool parties are in the foreseeable future. Here is a guide on how to have the laziest summer break. 1. Binge watch movies and TV Turning on Netflix is a great...

As classes come to an end, the idea of guilt-free Netflix binges, seasonal flings and lying poolside sounds more enticing than ever. Although it is important to take time to relax, it is also important to remember that summer is the time to take advantage of opportunities you were too busy for during the school year....

We’ve all had those days where we’ve had to stay on campus a little longer than we’d like. Maybe you had a meeting, a test to study for in the library, an extra work shift. This semester, every day is like that for me. With my unfortunate work and class this semester, I’m rolling up to campus at 8:30 a.m. and dragging...

  A1 /ayyy-wun/ adjective excellent, great in good health “I’m feeling A1 today — I have $20 in my bank account!” Sus s/s-uh-s/ adjective abbreviation for “suspect” or “suspicious” “Why do you keep going missing when Superman shows up, Clark? That’s sus.” Boost /b-U-st/ adjective to brag or exaggerate a...

Best Off Campus Apartments: The Campus Vue Experience  the freedom of living off campus without the hassle of waking up late for class and facing I-45 every morning. Located a 10-minute walk, 5-minute bike ride, or 1-minute car trip away from UH, The Campus Vue features three different apartment styles for residents...

Elizabeth Rodriguez/Photo by Emily Burleson|Cooglife Elizabeth Rodriguez, psychology sophomore “It could be anyone. It could be someone really tall or really short, someone who’s more big or more skinny. It could be anyone. It could be a guy, too. Guys believe in equal rights as well. Most people would think of women...