UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Archive for: April, 2016

“Send Me On My Way” by Rusted Root: Start your journey with this 90s throwback, so turn up the volume and take on the road. Then you’ll be on your way. “Surfin’ U.S.A.” by The Beach Boys: A summer road trip playlist isn’t complete without a song from The Beach Boys. You’ll be itching to swim in the nearest ocean as...

With the hot and heavy air of summer comes the hot and heavy joys (and pains) of short-lived romances. That’s right, I’m talking about summer flings. Our friend’s stories and our favorite movies have told us that summertime is the best time to test drive a relationship. Even science backs this up. During the summer,...

Everyone is allowed to sit back, relax and relish in a little (or a lot of) downtime, particularly once the semester ends, the grades are in and beaches and pool parties are in the foreseeable future. Here is a guide on how to have the laziest summer break. 1. Binge watch movies and TV Turning on Netflix is a great...

As classes come to an end, the idea of guilt-free Netflix binges, seasonal flings and lying poolside sounds more enticing than ever. Although it is important to take time to relax, it is also important to remember that summer is the time to take advantage of opportunities you were too busy for during the school year....

Marvel’s thirteenth film in its cinematic universe is a mature and much-welcomed addition. “Captain America: Civil War” follows along as political weight gives way for governments to consider initiating a system of responsibility when the actions of the Avengers lead to loss of human life and collateral damage. The...

For most students at the University of Houston, it makes financial sense to commute to school rather than live on campus, but does it come at the cost of the college experience? First, it is important to identify what a commuter actually is. According to The Cougar, a commuter is defined as a college student who does...

Dark Souls is a franchise notorious for its difficulty, yet its fan base has only been growing over the years. The first Dark Souls was largely inspired by 2009’s Demon’s Souls, which in turn was a ‘spiritual successor’ to an older series, King’s Field. After taking a departure from the series to create a PS 4...

Shocking numbers concerning the issue of human trafficking in Houston cover the walls. Books packed with information and stories about survivors are stacked on the tables and all proceeds go directly to funding anti-human trafficking activist groups. Photo by Karis Johnson|Cooglife The espresso is strong, and the...

We’ve all had those days where we’ve had to stay on campus a little longer than we’d like. Maybe you had a meeting, a test to study for in the library, an extra work shift. This semester, every day is like that for me. With my unfortunate work and class this semester, I’m rolling up to campus at 8:30 a.m. and dragging...

Best Sandwich: McAlister’s With our own location at the Welcome Center, it is no wonder McAlister’s was chosen as Best Sandwich among the community. “I love the Sweet Chipotle Chicken Sandwich on a croissant,” said Ashley Lara, a communications sciences and disorders senior. “This is my go-to sandwich because I get...