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Navigating the whirlwind of the endless academic demands in college can be daunting. The challenge of juggling school with the many other responsibilities of life- extracurricular activities, jobs, socializing and even health, can sometimes feel overwhelming. 

Some days the 24-hour time frame does not seem to be enough to cross off the grocery list of tasks for your day. Developing effective study habits early on can be a game-changer in helping you manage your time wisely. Here are some tips to help you optimize your study sessions:

  1. Plan Ahead

During the first couple weeks of the semester, frequently review the syllabus of each of your courses and create a Google sheet/calendar with all of your assignments, exams and deadlines for the entire semester. Include the course, the assignment details and the due date. 

This not only helps you see what you need to prioritize for each day, but it also allows you to be aware of important dates and deadlines ahead of time. Planning ahead also gives you the chance to schedule social events while being conscious of your academic responsibilities. 

  1. Set Daily Goals

At the start of your day, make a quick list of what you wish to accomplish. As you cross off things from your list throughout the day, it helps you be mindful of the remaining responsibilities at hand, whether they are school-related or not.

It is strongly encouraged to keep your list of tasks as realistic as possible. This helps you stay on task throughout your day while also keeping you motivated as you continue to check things off.

At the end of the day, you can reflect on how productive you were that day and tweak the lists as you move forward throughout the week!

  1. Look Over Lecture Slides/Textbook Before Class

Reading through the lecture slides or the textbook before coming to class is extremely helpful for students taking courses where the content is densely packed with information. Even a quick skim over the notes before class can make all the difference. 

Not only do you feel mentally prepared for the information being thrown at you during lectures without feeling bombarded with so much content, but it also gives you time to prepare some questions for class to ask your professor directly for any clarification on certain topics.

  1. Review Lecture Notes After Class

While it is important to review material before coming to class, it is just as important to review your notes after class. Go through each bullet point in your notes and ensure that you really understand the material before moving on to the next concept. 

If you struggle with a topic, enhance your understanding with online resources or watch a video that may break down the material for you in a way you understand. Make flashcards or do practice problems if you need to.

Understanding the material often helps with solidifying the content into memory without forcing it to stick. You are more likely to remember something if you understand it!

  1. Attend Office Hours

If a concept in a lecture or during your study session after class confuses you, do not hesitate to contact your professor and ask them about it directly during office hours. 

You can also use your time during office hours to understand the professor’s expectations of students taking their course and ask for study tips. After all, who better to ask how to study for the course than the experts themselves?

Going to office hours also gives you the opportunity to build a strong relationship with your professor. This is especially important if you plan on attending graduate school and want your professor to write you a strong letter of recommendation in the future. 

  1. Start Early

It is no universal secret that the largest challenge of school is time management. Procrastination is no joke. Those late nights scrambling to turn in an assignment before that 11:59 p.m. deadline are overly stressful.

To produce quality work and minimize unwanted stress, the best thing to do is start the assignment early. Whenever you get a bit of free time earlier that week, make some time to squeeze in an assignment or two well before the deadline. 

This also gives you a chance to refine your work and really produce a high-quality assignment. Whether it is a quiz, a discussion post or a paper, the only way to minimize error is to give yourself enough time to properly complete it without the stress of needing to submit it right away. 

  1. Take Breaks

As surprising as it may seem, taking frequent breaks during your study sessions is essential to effective studying. Studying too much for too long can quickly lead to burnout. To avoid this, make sure to take some time in between your day to yourself. 

An effective study method that works for many students is the 50:10 method where you study for 50 minutes and take a 10-minute break before resuming to another 50-minute session. 

These small study intervals can help you avoid frying your brain during especially long study sessions and can keep you productive in shorter time intervals.

  1. Ask for Help

If the material is difficult for you to grasp, do not be afraid to reach out to others for help. Whether it be another peer from your class, the teaching assistant, the professor or even a tutor, the best way to learn is to ask questions. 

There are also many tutoring options offered on campus including LAUNCH, SEP, recitations and workshops to give students an outlet to ask questions outside of class!

  1. Get Rest

Last but definitely not least, go to bed early!

Staying up all night to study for an exam is not the way to go. You are much more likely to remember class material with a well-rested brain than a tired one. 

Students tend to perform much better academically when they get enough rest, especially allowing them to focus better during class and recall content during exams. 

Final Thoughts

Implementing strong study habits is as easy as you make it. Learning is more than just completing assignments on time and making straight A’s in your classes. 

Utilizing effective study strategies can truly transform your college experience and give you the chance to grow and commit to your long-term academic endeavors while also managing your time wisely!

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