UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Posts by: <a href="http://cooglife.com/byline/alyssa-foley/" rel="tag">Alyssa Foley</a>

No matter where you stand on the gun debate, “The Secretary” can point you to a different angle. The most engrossing part of the show is how every woman’s reason for bearing or not bearing arms slowly unfolds. All the characters are women, the men they fear are off stage. Each character in Main Street Theater’s...

Love might make you happy, but it will definitely make you different. “Florencia en el Amazonas,” is an opera about transformational love. The Houston Grand Opera is performing this Spanish-language opera through Feb. 3. The characters aboard the El Dorado boat travel into the jungle of the Amazon searching not for...

The radical Houston Symphony is bringing back righteous music with the “Totally ‘80s” concert series. An orchestra performance is ultimately about enjoying big music with all the excitement and energy of in-sync musicians and a mesmerized audience. This installment of POPS, or popular music, series is a fun night of...

We live in times when the Kardashians having more air time than actual news on television. Meanwhile, comedians like John Oliver, Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah deliver, even though highly satirized, focused reports about what’s going on in the world. So it’s not surprising that this year’s most brilliant political...

So it’s winter again, and that means I’m feeling sad. But when I say sad, I mean SAD. As in, Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a very real medical disorder that can occur for some people with the change of the seasons. For most people, this happens during the winter. I am one of those people, and no amount of...

Main Street Theater is showing “Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley,” a heartwarming holiday-themed sequel to Jane Austen’s novel, “Pride and Prejudice.” The play focuses on Mary, the overlooked middle sister the Bennet family. Contemporary playwrights Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon imagine how Miss Mary Bennet...

If you’ve found yourself daydreaming of getting the hell away from Houston and hopping onto the first flight to Boston this winter to experience, you know, actual winter, you are not alone. But if you are also like me and find yourself lacking the funds to make such a brash decision, I give you a more budget-friendly...

I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but I know a lot about soup. I’d venture as far as to say it makes up at least 30 percent of my diet. Does this made me a little weird? Probably, but if loving the warm comfort of a bowl of hot soup is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Growing up, my mom was good at many things....

Giving to others is one of the most common themes of the holiday season. This is the time where people stand in lines wrapped around buildings just to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. The time of giving is a wonderful time to come together as Houstonians through love and cherishes. One of the best ways to...

While the holiday season brings families together, it also brings out endless amounts of stuffed turkey, fruit pies and other deliciously unhealthy foods. During this holiday season, focus on keeping your fitness and health goals in mind and don’t allow yourself to be swayed by temptations. Here are several ways you...