UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students


Nearly five years later, Todd Phillips released “Joker: Folie à Deux.” This sequel, however, failed to capture the same allure as “Joker.” In 2019, Phillips produced the critically acclaimed film “Joker.” This cinematic masterpiece earned numerous prestigious awards, including Academy Awards, Golden Globes and...

The arrival of fall brings cool weather–the perfect opportunity to curl up on the couch with your favorite hot beverage and just binge! Here’s a list of shows perfect for binge-watching this fall: “Nobody Wants This” This new Netflix romantic-comedy will keep you glued to your couch and eyes to the...

“Civil War” came out during a tense election period in America, emphasizing the reality of media integrity and the consequences of not holding leaders accountable. At the same time, the film serves as a recognition of war journalists, highlighting their often underappreciated and important work during times of...

The movie scene is back giving us a much-needed break from the couch potato streaming cycle we have been in. With so many options to choose from, it’s hard to determine which movie you would enjoy most, so we’ve narrowed it down for you. What should you watch next? Take the quiz to find out! 1. What’s your...

Many people do not know what it is like to lose home at the risk of never finding it again. They have no idea what it is like to have your life split between two lands and become the bridge between two countries. That is why I see culture as an extension of our lives that shapes who we are and how we relate to the...

“Twisters” stirred up a storm in Hollywood to become a summer blockbuster everyone should see.  From director Lee Isaac Chung, “Twisters” is the standalone sequel to Twister (1996). Daisy Edgar-Jones and Glen Powell star in the action-thriller, hooking the audience in for the storm. The movie follows Kate...

Amidst the roaring heat and humidity this summer, the allure of cinema presents itself as a captivating and immersive means of escapism. The following movies are some that offer the enchanting summer vibes we are all looking for. Forrest Gump (1994) A timeless classic, “Forrest Gump” will transport you on a...

Tennis. A sport known for the player’s backstory, their upbringing, what brought them to the sport and the adversity they’ve experienced within it. There is a suspenseful fire and intensity within the overlooked game. So many emotions from inside and outside the court. We’re brought to understand the erotic...

Live-action adaptations in media have undergone a remarkable evolution since the inception of cinema in the early 1800s with the advent of photography and digital media. The field has advanced significantly, now featuring laser cinema projectors, incredible audio loudspeakers and cutting-edge technologies like 3D and...

Film festivals have always been a way to test the waters for films to an eager audience. Whether it’s a blockbuster looking to build hype or an indie project looking for distribution, film festivals are never lacking in original and impressive art. Now, put up-and-coming films with up-and-coming musicians and drop...