The holidays are stressful enough, and adding travel to it all can just make it a nightmare. Here are some tips for traveling through the holidays in one piece.
Take a Red-Eye Flight
Flying during the holidays can be a nightmare because tons of people are flying too. TSA lines are long, flights are cramped, and everyone is stressed out. If you’re planning on flying out this holiday season, I’d suggest taking a red-eye. Red-eye flights are overnight or late night flights. Since most people don’t want to fly out at 10pm, they are less popular. This means security lines are shorter, and since it’s late at night, the overall energy level is lower, so no stressful hustle and bustle. You also tend to avoid families with little kids, which can be a bonus if you want to have a quiet flight. If you’re like other students, and want to avoid a stressful airport experience, take a red-eye.

Put gifts in your carry-on
Depending on how long you are staying you may want to check in luggage, but if you’re bringing gifts with you, you should keep them in your carry ons. Check-in luggage always has a chance of getting lost, and sometimes it can take days to a week to get it back. And in all that time, your belongings have a chance of getting stolen or misplaced. So prevent some stress by sticking the romance novel you got your mom in your backpack. It may make it heavier, but you at least don’t have to worry about losing it.

Bring sink laundry detergent with you
If where you’re going doesn’t have available laundry facilities, don’t worry. You don’t have to pack pants for every day you’re there. Unless you’re doing activities that cause a lot of sweat, you don’t have to fully wash your jeans every day. Many laundry detergent brands have sink packets, which you can use to wash clothes in a sink. Just wash the crotch/thigh area of your jeans, where most sweat accumulates. Let the pants air dry and you can wear them again! Depending how long you’re staying, you might not want to do this the whole time. But at least you can have a pair of pants to work with several outfits. This makes for a lighter suitcase.
Download entertainment on your phone or laptop
Traveling can mean a lot of waiting, especially when you’re tired. Some people may bring a book and be able to entertain themselves that way. However, for others, when it’s 1am and waiting for a red-eye, reading might take a little too much brain effort than anyone’s willing to give in an exhausted state. Be sure to download movies and TV shows onto your phone so that you can be entertained without using too much brain power as you travel.

Have a portable charger.
Sometimes if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to find a free outlet at the airport. Maybe you’ll even have a car charger on your road trip. However, we’re not always lucky, and it’s good to have a backup plan. Bring a portable charger with you when you travel. Just do it. Especially if you have an iPhone, since those things tend to die quickly. It’s better to have one and not use it, rather than not being able to call a tow-truck in the middle of I-10. If worst comes to worst, it will save a lot of stress.
Hopefully some of these tips will be helpful to your traveling plans this December. Stay safe and happy holidays!
Graphics by Juana Garcia
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