UH's lifestyle and entertainment magazine - by students, for students

Posts Tagged ‘movie’

The newest “Power Rangers” movie is among the first to introduce an openly LGBT+ superhero. Although both Marvel and D.C have superheroes who have been openly gay and bisexual, none of them have made it to the big screen. The superheroes who are part of the LGBT community in the comics have been depicted as cis-gendered...

Director Rupert Sanders’ latest film, “Ghost in the Shell,” is a science fiction crime drama film based on the Japanese manga of the same name. “Ghost in the Shell” tells the story of Major (Scarlett Johansson) who is a cybernetic individual with an entirely human brain. Along with her team, Major commands task force...

Writer, comedian and now director, Jordan Peele, shifted the genre of horror and pop culture as a whole for his directorial debut. While creating a horror sub-genre he also catered to a fan base that isn’t typically represented in horror films, unless they are subsequently dying first: the black guy. This type of...

Director James Mangold’s latest film, “Logan,” is a drama superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Wolverine. “Logan” tells the final chapter of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. In the distant future, an exhausted Logan tends to an ailing Professor X in a rusty sanctuary on the Mexican border. But Logan’s...

Director Zhang Yimou’s latest film is a monster film set in China during the Song dynasty “The Great Wall” tells the story of a warrior (Matt Damon) who is confined within the legendary Great Wall. While being held captive, Damon’s character learns the secrecy that lies behind one of the biggest spectacles of the...

Director Theodore Melfi’s latest film is a biographical drama that stars Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monáe as three women who acted as the brains behind one of the greatest jobs in NASA history. “Hidden Figures” tells the remarkable true story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary...

Director M. Night Shyamalan’s latest film is a psychological horror thriller film that stars James McAvoy in the role of a man who has 23 personalities living inside his head. “Split” tells the story of Kevin Wendell Crumb (McAvoy), a man who suffers from dissociative identity disorder. Forced to kidnap three girls...

The inability to accept death is a trope that leads many villains down their dark path, providing storylines for a multitude of films and novels. “Doctor Strange,” the fourteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, takes a series that has featured aliens, talking bionic raccoons and Hulks and adds in a mystic...

Apparently, animated fish invade theaters better than aliens from outer space. While there’s no harm to visit (or revisit) Dory’s waters, this weekend sees the arrival of three worlds that promise a thrilling time—if you don’t mind the risks, that is. The BFG After a row of political dramas, Steven Spielberg returns...