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Posts Tagged ‘TV’

What started as a U.K.-based dating series and turned into a worldwide phenomenon, “Love Island” has branched beyond a way to help people build connections in a paradise-like environment. With the rise in popularity and award of prize money, are the contestants of “Love Island” coming in with true intentions? With...

Historically, queer characters in the media have been drastically under-represented and demonized, especially bisexuality. When there is queer representation, bisexual characters are often depicted as hypersexual and non-monogamous individuals that cannot control their sexual desires. Author of the webcomic...

We all have our favorite T.V. shows and web series that give us comfort and we can watch them over and over again. However, with most of these series, we have a bitter-sweet relationship with the ending scenes. How amazing would it be to have an alternate ending to them? Here is a list of the top five T.V. shows...

Following Disney’s new live-action adaption “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” which was an utter hit, Netflix has now jumped on to the Gen-Z nostalgia train and released a new live-action “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” Highly anticipated by audiences of all ages and critics alike, most were excited to see the...

“Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief” is a classic loved by all ages. Some were in middle school when they started the series while others were only eight. For two decades, fans begged the author, Rick Riordan, to oversee a proper live-action adaptation. The failed movies came and went, but what about something...

On Tuesday evening, news broke that Andre Braugher, also known as Captain Raymond Holt in the series ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine,’ died.  He was undoubtedly one of the most beloved characters on ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ with his deadpan expressions and sarcastic remarks. To honor him, take a look at the most memorable and...

As winter break draws nearer, we all can’t wait to get cozy in our beds and watch TV for hours this holiday season. The shows on this list aren’t necessarily holiday-themed but bring joy and comfort at a time when we are all in need of a recharge. Gilmore Girls Of course, no list of cozy shows is complete...

It has been twenty-nine years since Friends first came on the air. Let’s take a look at the most memorable, heartwarming and funny episodes that viewers will never forget! 10. “The One With All The Resolutions” (Season 5, Episode 11) It is now the New Year 1999 and the gang is set to follow some New Year...

On a Saturday evening, news broke that no one was expecting. It was found out that Matthew Perry had died. A common reaction was shock followed by verifying the news and not believing it. “If I did die it would shock people, but it wouldn’t surprise anybody,” Matthew Perry said. But he was wrong about this...

It seems through thick and thin high school plotlines are a sure guarantee for Hollywood. But as most begin their college experience (or currently find themselves in the crux of it) who’s to say the higher education students don’t deserve a little more love? Below, Cooglife has gathered together a list of...