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College is a difficult time for everyone, and with the expectations to do well in college comes the stress and responsibility of building a career. 

As we grow older, we change. Often, so do our dreams, goals and careers. 

If the past two years of living within a global pandemic and economic/political unrest have taught us anything, it is that we evolve and adapt. Due to the unpredictable nature of our lives, we have to adapt to many changes, both in our personal and professional lives. 

People are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Over 65% of people want to switch from their current jobs. According to a survey conducted by the New York Federal Reserve only 27% of people end up using their degrees. 

Your career is a choice most college students make pretty early on. Humanity majors in particular are looked down upon as ‘unworthy.’ However, a degree in the humanities could really open many doors for you such as multiple job paths from one degree. 

A degree in psychology can help you pursue a career as a psychologist, sure. But it could also aid in a career in social work or medicine. Meanwhile, a degree in political science can be a stepping stone into law school. These are just a few examples of potential careers that are possible with a degree in humanities. Many STEM majors can also help you pursue different jobs that don’t directly correlate with your degree. Studying computer science, for example, can help you get a job as a web developer or a software engineer. You don’t have to go into I.T.  

Majors are just blueprints for the start of your life. It’s okay to change them while in school by pursuing another degree or even going back to school for higher education. It’s also okay to change it long after you’ve graduated and started an initial career. It’s ultimately up to the individual to make these choices for themselves. 

In Friends, Chandler works in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration. It takes him many years (and seasons) to realize that it’s not what he wants to do. He ends the show as a junior copywriter, and he is happier for it. On the same show, Rachel also had a lot of ups and downs in her career. She starts as a barista and moves on to become a personal shopper at Bloomingdales. She ends the show as an executive at Ralph Lauren, a mid-range to luxury brand. These changes took place in a span of ten years, and none of it was smooth sailing. The end, however, was well worth it. 

Switching your career brings many changes to your life. There are many reasons why someone would want to change their career. Better compensation, more benefits, better work-life balance. But overall, people seek happiness. Never be afraid to pursue it. 

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