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Posts Tagged ‘college’

Photos by: Oscar Herrera College can be extremely difficult with all the changes happening in your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re an international student, freshman or a transfer student, it’s always interesting to navigate.  It’s easy to feel lost and afraid in this new environment. You have to navigate in a...

Graphic by: Maya Palavali At some point in our lives, we’ve all been asked, “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” The answer we most often hear is graduating college and then getting a sufficient job. But is that the only answer there is? Most certainly not!  Believe it or not, there are many...

Photo by: Raphael Fernandez Feeling lost and confused about choosing a major is an internal dilemma most college students face in their academic careers. Having recently gone through this complex process myself, I understand how this situation can make one feel immense stress and an unsettling sense of...

As kids, we always think about who we are going to be when we grow up. However, I don’t think we’ve ever stopped to think about who we are while we are in the middle of becoming grown-ups. School takes up a majority of our beginning years; so it is time to find out what kind of student are you and what does it...

It seems through thick and thin high school plotlines are a sure guarantee for Hollywood. But as most begin their college experience (or currently find themselves in the crux of it) who’s to say the higher education students don’t deserve a little more love? Below, Cooglife has gathered together a list of...

Graphic by: Len Duenas It took me three years, but I did not cry when my parents drove away after moving me in this semester. Being on my own and living alone is harder than I thought it would be, but it does get easier. For the first time in my life, my parents left me alone in my dorm room in August 2021....

As soon as your first semester rolls around, groups of family, friends and even strangers have advice for you to take. How to navigate campus and what you need to do to make friends are among their words of wisdom. You heard it here first. The best advice someone can give you is to not start a relationship during...

Now that my time as a freshman living on-campus is over, I look back at the past few months and realize I had learned and experienced a lot that I don’t think I would have if I had stayed at home. From my first boyfriend, my first college party, my first break-up, and to the first time a close friend passed, my...

Let’s admit that living life on a college budget isn’t easy. From filling up your gas tank to book and club fees, the expenses for college life are unlimited but the budget isn’t. We know that just being in college drains your bank account, barely leaving you any money for food and your wants. We wish we could live a...

Maybe you’re too busy for a part-time job, or maybe you just want to brush up on a hobby and make some pocket money out of it. Whatever your reasons may be, side hustling is a great way to earn cash and keep fresh at the skills you’re good at. Here are 15 different side hustles you can try today. Tutoring Whether you...